

Gallery Pages

(Reorganised March 07)

The Early Years

E.Fleming &
J Whitworth


Prospectus 94/95


Rannoch Association

John Fleming
Peter Orton
Dougal Greig

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© Simon Stoker 2013

Screen grabs from the video ECHOES*
Note: as these are taken directly from video they are mainly low resolution.

VidPic1.jpg (23440 bytes)               VidPic2.jpg (22457 bytes)               VidPic3.jpg (148183 bytes)
Ambi-pure?                         Squirts                                  3 Founders

VidPic4.jpg (25126 bytes)               VidPic5.jpg (26223 bytes)                VidPic6.jpg (23256 bytes)
Quad Erat (NOT Fire service as named by others!)            On Loch

                            VidPic8.jpg (26295 bytes)
                            MS film (PHW)

* "Echoes 3" is now re-issued on DVD in 16:9 format.
    PAL 52 mins, Dolby Digital sound.

Part one shows archive film from 1962-1967, with introduction by the late John Fleming.
Part two has 3 films from Pat Whitworth (Fire Service/ Mountain Service/ Duke of Edinburgh visit)
and additional material from Bill Jarvis (Fire/rowing/theatre etc)

BONUS SECTION : "Blue Skies Thinking" - you'll love it!

Available by mail order @ £15 (inc postage) in UK or more if you wish to add a donation to the Rannoch Association Trust.
For overseas postage please enquire.
Please contact us via the email address.

(3 mins/ 11.8 Mb  Windows media file)


We are presently undertaking the archiving of all available editions of the School Magazines.
These can be made available on disc to Ex-Rs at a nominal price.

The years available are as follows:

1964 (2 issues together) ,1965-67 (covers 2 years), 67-68

71-72 right up to 00-01 is a continuous run.
*71 to 84 were printed effectively as A5 on relatively low quality paper. The print quality varies but is always viable.
83-84 is the Silver Jubilee edition (80 pages) and on something near quarto size, much better quality.
83-84 up to 86-87 are mono, quarto size-ish.
88 onwards run at a full A4. Colour centre pages were introduced in 1990 almost always 70 pages.
1999-00 is the 40th anniversary edition at 90 pages.
2000-01 is the final edition at 40 pages and makes sad reading.

In addition are added:
The Scottish Field article from Oct 1963 ("A School in the Making"). (Free)
An update on building developments from 1988 (Free)
 2 prospectuses (prospecta?) together, 1 from 1961 and one from the mid-80s.

All are archived as .pdf files
A 20% discount is available on ordering the full set.
All funds raised will go to the Rannoch Association Trust.
For information please use the 'Contact Us' address on the menu.