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Prospectus 94/95

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(Reorganised March 07)

The Early Years

E.Fleming &
J Whitworth


Prospectus 94/95


Rannoch Association

John Fleming
Peter Orton
Dougal Greig

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© Simon Stoker 2013









Design & Layout
© S-Print 2004/5/6/7

Individual photographs and text are the copyright of their respective owners


Extracts from the

Prospectus 1994-95

The pictures shown in the '94/5 Prospectus do not carry captions or names.
If you are in one of these shots, or know someone who is, we would welcome an opportunity to credit a face with a name.

The full version of this prospectus, combined with an example from 1961, is now available as an archive pdf file.
See "All about Archives".



Dall                                                                                                              D of E ?


      Garden Classrooms (new block on left)

                      1984 Silver Jubilee window

 "The Chapel, originally part of the farm steading, will remain as a tribute to the enthusiasm and hard work
of the first generation of Rannoch boys who can look back on the considerable part they played in transforming the old building."


Chapel and new classrooms (L & R). The centre was a byre.


          What a lovely meal! Note D of E boards in background.

"All pupils eat centrally in the main dining hall. The diet is plentiful, carefully planned and of the best quality. A self-service system with a wide variety of choice, including vegetarian, operates at all meals."










And the milk goes in here.....











      Big Brother?











Two southpaws











"All pupils are involved in organised sport or activity on four afternoons a week...."







Shot-put base was originally laid in 1959!










"The large indoor sports complex contains two squash courts and provides excellent facilities for Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Indoor hockey and Soccer in the main games hall".









Guys are swimming, guys are sailing....












(Not often seen in earlier pictures)